Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lucky draw

Coming up on the two-week mark in the new pad, I just took a look around my living room and thought, "Wow. I live here."

The floors are crooked and there are a few little quirks but man, do we love this new place!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lalala. New job good but busy. Moving apartments this weekend--maybe for the last time for a long time! There's a little backyard; we're so excited to garden and grill. That's all the news I can think of. Oh, I disabled comments because I was getting a lot of spam. But those of you who are real can email me if you think of something for me to write about!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm still here

New job is good but a whirlwind of activity. I find myself working much later and reading much more in my spare time. I am, however, really enjoying it. And my favorite perk of all is that Chris's office is a mere block away. Today I felt too busy to eat and, get this, he brought me a sandwich! His special invention from a nearby deli: chicken with hummus, avocado, and jalapenos on whole grain roll. Have you ever heard of anyone more thoughtful?